Tekfen Tarım’s “Innovative Agricultural Production with New Technologies” Project Receives Award


Tekfen Tarım’s “Innovative Agricultural Production with New Technologies” Project Receives Award

Zer, one of the Koç Group companies, conducts its work within the framework of the vision of “becoming the best strategic purchasing and productivity center in Turkey and a leading hub in the world”, evaluating and rewarding the ideas produced by its stakeholders under the categories “Protecting the Environment and Natural Resources” and “Changing the Way of Life” within the scope of the “Our Dreams are Similar Cooperation Program”  that it launched in 2019. As a result of the 2020 assessment, Tekfen Tarım’s “Innovative Agricultural Production with New Technologies” project was awarded in the “Implementation” category.

Under the categories “Protecting the Environment and Natural Resources” and “Changing the Way of Life” within the scope of KoçZer’s “Our Dreams are Similar Cooperation Program”, valuable ideas and practices are evaluated with regard to waste management, use of renewable energy sources, energy management, recycling, healthy living and responsible consumption and production. Tekfen Tarım, one of the leading companies of Turkey in agricultural production, applied to the ” Our Dreams are Similar Cooperation Program”  with its “Innovative Agricultural Production with New Technologies” project, which serves the subheadings “Use of Environmentally-Friendly Production Models”, “Reduction of Air Pollution and Carbon Emissions”, and “Protection of Water Resources and Efficient Use of Water” within the scope of ” Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources” belonging to the “Responsible Production and Consumption” approach that denotes Article 12 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Tekfen Tarım integrates new technologies into its business and develops intelligent agricultural solutions while implementing the project in order to realize sustainable production in line with its strategic goals. The importance of the project, which aims to collect data, observe the development of crops, easily control fields, quickly identify problems, ensure traceability, ensure sustainable management and effective use of natural resources while saving time and labor, was recognized once again when remote control and management became mandatory during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tekfen Tarım’s “Innovative Agricultural Production with New Technologies” project, which stands out from among the projects evaluated by KoçZer General Manager Mehmet Apak and the Selection Committee comprising Ebru Tüzecan, Kerem Okumuş, Olcay Silahlı and Vahap Munyar, was granted the award in the “Implementation” category.

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